Can Mne Bu Happiness?
Can ne bu happiness? Different peple have different pinins. Se thin es, while thers hld the ppsite.Can ne bu happiness? Different peple have different pinins. Se thin es, while thers hld the ppsite.
It is true that with enugh ne ne can bu all the things ne wants, and live a life f cfrt and securit. Hwever, it is equall true that lac f ne causes great distress. It is a view that "ne is the rt f all evil." The pursuit f ne drives an peple t cheat and steal. In se places there is nthing that cannt be bught with ne, resulting in crrupt scieties where everbd is iserable.
S, ne des nt necessaril ean happiness. It all depends n hw it is used. If we ae hnest and sensible use f ne, it can be a stepping-stne t happiness l Althugh ne cannt bu happiness, it can ae happiness pssible if it is epled sensibl.