1. Please take a seat and make yourself comfortable.
2. Can you please hold my seat while I grab a drink?
3. I always prefer a window seat when I fly.
4. He reserved the best seat in the restaurant for his VIP guest.
带灯5. The seat of power in the company rests with the CEO.
6. We had to rearrange the seating arrangements to accommodate for the extra guests.
7. The seat belt sign is on, so please remain seated until the plane comes to a complete stop.
8. His car seat was completely destroyed in the accident.
9. She prefers a saddle seat when riding horses.
10. They made sure to book front row seats for their favorite band's
1. 请坐下,让自己舒服一些。
2. 当我去取饮料时,你能帮我看着我的座位吗?
3. 当我坐飞机时,我总是更喜欢靠窗的座位。
4. 他为他的贵宾在餐厅里预留了最好的座位。
5. 在公司中权力核心在于CEO。
6. 我们不得不重新安排座位以容纳额外的客人。
7. 安全带灯亮了,请在飞机完全停下来之前一直保持座位稳定。
8. 他的汽车座位在事故中被完全摧毁了。
9. 她骑马时更喜欢鞍座式座位。
10. 他们确保预定了最前排的座位观看他们最喜欢的乐队的音乐会。