1.-Is this your coat?
-No, ________is a blue one.
A.me B.my C.I D.mine
2.The teacher offered _______ to you and ________.英语练习题
A.they, I B.them, me C.they, me D.them, I
3.I sent gifts to Tom and Mike but _______ of them showed for their turns.
A. D.no
4._______ of the players wanted to try, so they all waited for their turns.
A.Every B.Each C.Everybody D.One 
5.Can you tell ______ that I'll be late? 
A.another B.other C.others D.the others
6.He is really quiet. He is a man of ________ words.
A.little B.few C.a little D.a few
7.I don't like this coat. Would you show me _________?
A.other one B.a one C.one D.another one
8.It's very hot. Won't you sit down and take _______ iced water?
A.one B.any C.some D.no
9.I tries on two dresses but _______ of them fitted me. 
A.neither B.both C.none D.all
10.He said he would be ready in ______ ten minutes.
A.other B.another C.some D.more
11.When asked about the accident, he didn't say ________.
A.many B.much C.some D.all
12.She doesn't want _______ of them to trouble her. She thinks all her roommates are very naughty.
A.none B.any C.neither D.either
13.There was _______ rain last year. There had to pump water from wells.
A.few B.a few C.little D.a little
14.----Who is it? ---- ___________
A.Its Jack B.It's Jack C.I'm Jack D.One's Jack
15._______ do you want, the red one or the blue one? 
A.What B.Who C.Whom D.Which
16.With ________ did you speak? 
A.what B.which C.who D.whom
17.By _______ was he bitten? 
A.whom dog B.whose dog C.who D.which
18.Their progress is obvious while ______ not. 
A.our is B.ours is C.our are D.ours are
19.The boy promised ________ mother never to tell a lie again.
A.her B.hers C.him D.his
20.You look tired. Can I help you with ______?Thanks, but they weigh two kilograms each.
A.those box B.these boxes C.such box D.that boxes
21.She told ____of us the funniest story we have ever heard, so____of us could help laug
A.all, none B.some, neither C.both, any D.all, any 
22.Although there are ________ hands, there isn't so ______ to do.
A.many many B.a lot of, many C.a lot of, much D.much, much
23._______ who wants to can put up _______ hands.
A.Anyone, their B.Those, their C.They, your D.Somebody, his
24._______ corner of the room shall we locate the cupboard in?_______.
A.Which, Any B.Which, Either C.What, Any D.What, Either
25.The new designs are less expensive than ________ . 
A.the old those B.old these C.the old ones D.others ones
26.The soil here is much richer than _______ on the hill.
A.the one B.one C.those D.that
27.To say something is _______ thing and to do it is ________ thing.
A.one, other B.a, another C.a, other D.one, another
28.The______of the family have noticed him go away without saying _______.
A.rest, anything B.other, something C.rest, nothing D.others, nothing
29.He needn't take the bus. He has _______. 
A.his a car B.a car his own C.a car of his own D.a his own car
30.China is larger than ________ countries in Asia.
A.any of B.any C.any of the other D.other
31.Canada is larger than _______ countries in Asia.
A.any B.any other C.any of the other D.other
32.Don't be so nervous. ______ of the you may try three times.
A.Each B.Some C.Every D.None
33.--Do you know we have two new classmates?
--Yes. I know they are twins.______ of them is tall but_____ of them can play basketball well.
A.All, both B.Either, none C.Neither, both D.Both, either
34.He had good advice for each of us, but only _______ of us accepted it.
A.few B.a few C.little D.a little
35.Would you like _______ more?  No, thanks.
A.any B.little C.another D.some
36.______ of the books in the library is useful to me.
A.None B.No one C.Either D.All
37.He felt ________ his duty to remind his mother of the time.
A.it B.one C.that D.him
38.You know, I almost hit him. I was _________.
A.that angry B.so anger C.this angrily D.such angry
39.______ was ______ that we helped out of trouble.
A.That, her B.It, her C.This, she D.It, the
40.They made _______ with their body movements in the foreign country.
A.them understand B.them understood
C.themselves understand D.themselves understood
41.--Why is he not here?
--He is not quite_____tody.
A.him B.himself C.his D.he
42._______are going to work.
A.I,you and he B.He, you and I
C.You, he and I D.You,he and me
43.--Who is not here?
A.None B.NO one C.They D.No
44.Give me_______five minutes, I want to finish this page.
A.other B.the other C.
45.The number of books in our library is larger than_________.
A.that in them B.those in theirs C.that D.that in theirs
46.You must be bungry. Are you sure I can't offer you _______?
A.any thing B.everything C.something D.any foods
47.Let's clean_______room'first and ______later.
A.theirs; ours B.their;our C.theirs; our D.their;ours
48.I have got________days holiday.
A.three other B.another her three
49.If you have______u can refer to____of the reference books here.
A.some;some B.any; some C.some; a few D.any; a few
50.I just want an umbrella;________will do.
A. C.anyone D.any one
答案:1.D 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.D 16.D 17.B 18.B 19.D 20.B 21.A 22.C 23.A 24.A 25.C 26.D 27.D 28.A 29.C 30.C 31.A 32.A 33.C 34.A 35.D 36.A 37.A 38.A 39.B 40.D 41.B 42.C 43.B 44.C 45.D 46.C 47.D4 8.B 49.B 50.D