美文选刊 品味杭州(中英文互译)
Getting into Hangzhou
The perception of a place may be quite different from the perspectives of sightseeing and permanent residence. Previously, I had visited Hangzhou several times as a tourist: its feel, however, bore no comparison with what I am experiencing now as a long-term contract professor who is acquainted with a large number of his students, colleagues and friends. In other words, now I can really get to the bottom of the place.
Native Beijingers, such as myself, are used to calling places outside Beijing “alien”, and naturally compare them with the capital. The splendid Forbidden City and magnificent Great Wall in Beijing may reveal a kind of imperial hegemonic spirit; the scenery in Hangzhou, however, embodied in “Dawn on the Su Causeway in Spring”, “Moon over the Peaceful Lake in Autumn”, “Broken Bridge with Thawing Snow”, “Orioles Singing in the Willows” and so on divulge an elegant air of the literati.回复的英文
Blessed with the affluent south of the Yangtze River, pleasant climate and few wars, Hangzhou has gradually formed its serene urban character. Unlike bustling metropolis Shanghai, as soon as you set foot here, you will slow down and relax. The relationship be
tween the two cities and the interflow of their people, by the way, is a bit like that of London and Cambridge in the UK in terms of job and property markets.
For five consecutive years from 2004, Hangzhou was recognized as the “City of Well-Being” in China. In 2008, it ranked first in the competition under the same theme organized by Oriental Outlook Weekly.
Interestingly, the lifestyle of today’s Hangzhou was laid down by two historical men of letters. One was Bai Juyi (772—846) of the Tang Dynasty (618—907), who rebuilt the West Lake and made a new dyke to benefit the locals when he served as the prefectural governor. Walking on the Bai Causeway (named after Bai Juyi) one day, I asked a young student-looking man: “Do you know who Bai Juyi was?” “Of course,” he blurted out, “Mayor Bai implemented the new housing policy and solved the housing conundrum of most people, who were so grateful and then gave him the nickname ‘Bai Juyi’.” (In Chinese, the same character “Bai” can also mean “free”; “Ju”, housing; “yi”, easy.) Although it’s a joke, one can sense the intimate relationship between him and Hangzhou people; when mentioning him, it doesn’t sound like one is talking about a person who lived more than a thousand years ago!
所有权转让另一位是宋朝的苏轼,熙宁四年(1071年),他因上书反对王安石变法中的流弊,遭到政敌陷害,被迫离开都城汴京,调任杭州通判,结束任期后,因思念此地,曾再度回来,把这里作为他的第二故乡。他勤政为民,豁达潇洒,留下许多佳话,其中最为人乐道的自然是苏堤和东坡肉。千年之后,人们记起他的,似乎都是愉快的事。The other was Su Shi (
捕捉信息1037—1101) of the Song Dynasty (970—1279). He was transferred to Hangzhou as a magistrate from his post in the capital of Bianjing after being framed by his political opponents for submitting a letter to oppose the flaws of Wang Anshi’s reform. Missing Hangzhou so much, he came back again after finishing his term and treated this place as his second hometown. His open-minded and unrestrained personality and diligence for his people left many much-told tales. The most memorable references are of course the Su Causeway (named after him) and Braised Dongpo Pork (the pork was named after his styled name). Seemingly, mentioning his name gives people joy even after a thousand years.
In the 13th Century, Marco Polo, an Italian traveler, came here and was full of praise for its beauty and nobility, which I think not only covered its natural scenery but also its human elements.
Having wide contacts with local people, I’ve generally found the personality of Hangzhou people to be mild. Compared to native Beijingers, who are somewhat stubborn in their characters, willing to fight to the end with someone they don’t get along with, Hangzhou people rarely have direct conflicts with others. First of all, their tone of voice is not so “blasting”, and it offers narratives that are normally suggestive and trustworthy. If things do not work out, they may say, “Sir, let’s reconsider some other ways?”