初二英语作文:My Vacation
高中毕业自我鉴定During the vacation, I had a great time. I went to the amusement park, and I rode many exciting rides. The roller coaster was my favorite. It was really fast and gave me a great feeling. I also went to the zoo, and I saw many animals, such as lions, tigers, and pandas.
They were all so cute!
In addition, I also visited my friends during the vacation. We played soccer together in the park, and it was really fun.有时我也看电影。我观看了很多优秀的电影,例如《阿凡达》和《玩具总动员》。这些电影都给了我深刻的印象。
初二英语作文:My Dream
When I was a child, I had many dreams. Some of them were to travel around the world, to visit different countries and see their cultures and landscapes. Others were to become a doctor, a lawyer or an artist. But as I grew up, one dream has always stood out - the dream of becoming a teacher.
我的好朋友英语作文My love for teaching came from my own experiences in school. I remember how some teachers used to make learning boring and repetitive. Their classes were like a never-ending cycle of notes and exercises, with no real connection to the real world. But then I had other teachers who made learning fun and relevant, who made us excited about knowledge and interested in the world around us. They were the ones who激发my love for learning and sparked my interest in teaching.
My dream of becoming a teacher is not just about passing on knowledge. It is also about creating an environment where students feel safe, respected and free to express their ideas and opinions. I want to encourage them to ask questions, to explore new ideas and to think critically. I want them to leave my classes not just with a better understanding of the subject matter but also with a greater love for learning and a stronger sense of self.
To achieve my dream, I am working hard to become a better teacher. I am constantly reading and learning new teaching methods and strategies. I am always trying to improve my own skills and knowledge so that I can better prepare my students for the challenges they will face in the future.
I know that becoming a teacher is not an easy path. There will be days when I feel overwhelmed and exhausted. There will be times when I feel like giving up. But I believe that if I keep pushing forward and never give up, I will achieve my dream.高考复读生