the apprentice 学徒第一季之一集台词
I am the largest real estate developer. 最大的房地产开发商Casinos  Private resorts 私人度假胜地
I am billions dollars in debt. 贷款
I work all these out. 我都解决了
My company is bigger than it ever was.
I turn it Into the highest quality brand. 高档名牌
As a master I want to pass along my knowledge to some people else. 传授
They come from all works of life. 他们来自个行各业
Others are self-made …. 白手起家
Some have high school diploma. 高学历
It would be the dream work of life time.
Right on the fifth avenue. 第五大道
They will be divited into 2 groups.
My disabled sister. 残疾的  Let’s get started 我们开始吧Attending a top business school gives you advantage.上了顶级的商业学校会使你很有优势
There will be one business task to accomplish. 完成
Vendor. 小贩    I will ask you to be a street vendor.
All of you should be complimented.
Organization is my skill organizing and motivating people
it is corny. 太老套了
I will push for that. I will fight for that. 我回争取的
It is not appropriate to wear a tie.
Stock exchange 证券交易市场 securities
QQ is very emotional. 太情绪化了 she is not a good leader.
You have to focus on the task and keep you emotion out of it.不要感情用事
She is totally irrational right now. 没有理性的不合逻辑的荒谬的
I am really concerned. 我很担心
The success of business doesn’t focus only on individual contribution but work on the team well.
Freezing lemon… 冰镇的。。。
High volume. 高音量
I am sort of lost you here. 我有点搞不懂你了
400% profits 4 倍的利润    They beat you. 打败你们了
Everything you saw is breathtaking. 惊心动魄的 惊人的
I don’t think there is not any deny. 没有反对
I don’t know what is her valuating. 评价。
Hustle 动词 推 摧赶 hustler
Stop hustling me. I am already a hustler. 性格急躁的人
That is a bad move. 这是不好的行为 动作等    Delegate 代表 名词You are very inconsistent in the process. 上下不一致
Selective she is a selective leader. 偏袒的
Is this because QQ is going over the edge? 走极端
You will go back momentarily. 待会儿回来
He is a risk taker.
Top executives高级管理人员
They all started from the basics.
You did step up.你确实有进步。
Eliminate a person.淘汰一个人
I want to select it randomly.随机的选择。
Let’s open to the discussion.
You can see the whole layout…整个布局
Swing for fences.跳出框框套套
Failure is not your option.
Don’t negotiate with underlings. =subordinate下属
There is some tension between you.火药味,关系紧张。People tossed them.扔掉
Capture people’s eyes.吸引眼球
That is what I do day in and day out.
Let me guarantee you.
I past out.我晕过去了。
I have nothing else to do but to …
You are emotionally unstable.你情绪不稳定
They strategize to ….他们想方设法。。。
may I have a chance to defend myself?为我自己辩护?
最后一刻S hut up and stay out of my face.从我面前消失。
I don’t like to keep anything inside.我不喜欢把什么事情都憋在心里。That is very immature.非常不成熟。
You speak over me.打断我的说话interrupt
One thing I don’t like to work with women is…..
One advantage men have is that they can yell, scream, get it over with moving on.
One of my big concerns is mediating the conflict.
That would be fake.虚伪
I get along with everybody.处的来
W hat we can do to get rid off problems?
N egotiation is a very, very delicate art.微妙的艺术
Some time you have to be tough,some time you have to be the sweetest pie.甜言蜜语
It’s not nearly learned, it is almost innate. It is on the genes.天生的
W e have to say something more than anything else---negotiation, something we are very familiar with.
These guys do for a living is negotiation.以。。为生
do you have a pen handy?你手上有笔吗?
J ust in case for they get lost.以防他们迷路了。
W e are on the thing.我们同病相怜。
I saw right through him.
That is one of the biggest moments of my life that I shake that man’s hand.
I was impressed by…被。。。感动
W e have fixed price.固定价格
How about cut 10%, you are making money.你亏不了的。
W e got the deal.我们成交
Don’t stress out.不要有压力
The plan didn’t implemented.完成
There are a lot of margins there.利润
W e can call it a tonight now.
W e can call it a day now.完工了收工了