写人的好段    英文回答:
    I have met two people in my life who have had a significant impact on me. The first person is my high school English teacher, Mr. Smith. He was a strict yet caring teacher who pushed me to achieve my full potential. He always encouraged me to think critically and express my ideas clearly. Thanks to him, I developed a love for literature and writing. He taught me the importance of reading widely and analyzing different perspectives. I will always be grateful for his guidance.
    The second person who has influenced me greatly is my best friend, Sarah. She is a true friend who has always been there for me through thick and thin. We have shared countless memories and experiences together. Whenever I need someone to talk to or a shoulder to lean on, she is always there. Sarah has taught me the value of loyalty and trust in a friendship. She has also shown me the importance of being supportive and understanding. I am lucky to have her in my life.