    Task Scenario: You are a student who has been given a writing assignment to come up with a title for a task-based essay. The essay should be about a situation where you have to complete a challenging task. You need to write a response in both English and Chinese.
    Title: Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking.
    Public speaking is a common fear among many people, including myself. However, it is a skill that is essential for success in various aspects of life. In this essay, I will discuss a personal experience where I had to overcome my fear of public speaking and complete a challenging task.
    Body Paragraph 1:
    One instance where I had to face my fear of public speaking was during a school presentation. I was assigned to give a speech in front of my classmates and teachers. The thought of standing in front of a large audience and delivering a coherent speech made me extremely nervous. However, I knew that I had to push myself out of my comfort zone in order to grow as an individual.
    Body Paragraph 2:
    To overcome my fear, I decided to practice my speech multiple times in front of a mirror. This helped me become more comfortable with the content and delivery of my speech. Additionally, I sought feedback from my friends and family, who provided constructive criticism to help me improve further. By putting in the effort to prepare and practice, I gradually gained confidence in my ability to speak in public.
    Body Paragraph 3:
    On the day of the presentation, I still felt nervous, but I reminded myself of the preparation I had done and the support I had received. I took deep breaths, walked confidently to the stage, and began my speech. As I spoke, I focused on connecting with the audience and delivering my message effectively. To my surprise, as the speech progressed, my nerves gradually faded away, and I felt a sense of accomplishment.
    Overcoming the fear of public speaking was a challenging task for me, but it was also a valuable learning experience. Through practice, preparation, and seeking support, I was able to conquer my fear and deliver a successful presentation. This experience taught me the importance of facing our fears head-on and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones in order to grow and achieve our goals.