    Q: How do you celebrate Tomb-Sweeping Day?
    A: Tomb-Sweeping Day is a traditional Chinese festival that is celebrated to honor and remember our ancestors. On this day, my family and I would visit the graves of our ancestors, clean the tombstones, and offer sacrifices such as food and drinks. We believe that by doing so, we can show our respect and gratitude to our ancestors.
    After cleaning the tombs, we would also burn incense and paper money as a way to pay tribute to our ancestors. It is believed that the smoke from the incense and the paper money would guide the spirits of our ancestors and bring them blessings and good fortune.
    In addition to tomb-sweeping, we also enjoy various activities during the holiday. For example, we would fly kites, have picnics, and even participate in traditional folk dances. These activities not only bring joy and happiness to the family, but also serve as a way to stre
ngthen the bond between generations.