    Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It is celebrated on the 5th day of the 5th month of the lunar calendar. One of the highlights of this festival is making and eating zongzi, which are sticky rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves.
    The tradition of making zongzi during Dragon Boat Festival dates back to ancient times. There are many legends and stories associated with the origin of zongzi. One popular story is that during the Warring States period, a famous poet and statesman named Qu Yuan drowned himself in a river as a form of protest against the corrupt government. The local people loved and respected Qu Yuan, so they paddled their boats in the river to search for his body and threw zongzi into the water to prevent the fish from eating his body. This is why we eat zongzi and race dragon boats during the festival.
    To make zongzi, you need sticky rice, various fillings such as meat, beans, and nuts, and bamboo leaves. First, you soak the sticky rice in water for a few hours to make it soft. Then, you wrap a portion of the sticky rice and filling in a bamboo leaf and tie it with a string. Finally, you steam the wrapped zongzi for a few hours until the rice is cooked and the flavors are infused.
    Eating zongzi is not only a delicious treat but also a way to pay tribute to Qu Yuan and other heroes of ancient China. The taste of zongzi varies depending on the fillings used. Some people prefer sweet zongzi with red bean paste or dates, while others enjoy savory zongzi with pork or salted egg yolk. Personally, I love the combination of sticky rice, pork, and mushrooms in my zongzi. The flavors blend together perfectly, and the texture of the sticky rice is so satisfying.