    Facing setbacks is a common experience in life, and it is important to have strategies to deal with them. When I encounter setbacks, I try to maintain a positive mindset and focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on the problem. One effective approach is to break down the setback into smaller, manageable tasks. By doing so, I can tackle each task one at a time, which helps to prevent feeling overwhelmed.
    For example, when I failed a crucial exam, I felt devastated and discouraged. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, I decided to analyze what went wrong and come up with a plan to improve. I identified the areas where I struggled the most and sought extra help from my teachers and classmates. By breaking down my study materials into smaller sections and dedicating specific time to each, I was able to better manage my time and focus on improving my weaknesses. Eventually, I was able to pass the exam with a much higher score.
    Another strategy I employ when facing setbacks is to seek support from others. Sharing my feelings and concerns with friends or family members can provide me with valuable advice and encouragement. Sometimes, just talking about my setbacks with someone who understands can help me gain a fresh perspective and realize that I am not alone in facing challenges.
    For instance, when I faced rejection after multiple job interviews, I felt demoralized and doubted my abilities. However, after discussing my experiences with a close friend who had been through similar situations, I gained valuable insights and learned from their experiences. They shared tips on improving my interview skills and suggested alternative job search strategies. Their support and guidance motivated me to keep trying, and eventually, I secured a job that was even better than the ones I had initially applied for.