    The poem "Li Sao" or "Encountering Sorrow" by Qu Yuan is a masterpiece of ancient Chinese literature. It is a lyrical poem that expresses the poet's deep sadness and frustration with the political situation of his time. The poem is divided into several sections, each describing different aspects of the poet's emotions and experiences.
    In the poem, Qu Yuan uses vivid and descriptive language to depict his inner turmoil. He compares himself to various animals and natural elements, such as a dragon, a fish, and a bird, to express his feelings of being trapped and helpless. For example, in one section of the poem, he writes, "Like a fish trapped in a net, I struggle in vain, unable to break free." This metaphor beautifully captures the poet's sense of despair and powerlessness.
    Qu Yuan also makes use of symbolism and allusion in his poem. He references historical figures and events to convey his message. For instance, he mentions the legendary King We
n and King Wu, who are known for their wisdom and bravery, to contrast them with the corrupt and inept rulers of his time. This serves to highlight the poet's longing for a virtuous and just government.
    Furthermore, the poem is filled with rich imagery and poetic devices, such as similes, metaphors, and personification. These literary techniques not only enhance the beauty of the language but also help to convey the poet's emotions more effectively. For example, Qu Yuan compares his sorrow to a river that flows endlessly, emphasizing the overwhelming nature of his grief.