    1. Using an anecdote or personal experience to illustrate a point.
    This is a common technique used in speeches, presentations, and essays. By sharing a relatable story or experience, you can make your point more vivid and memorable. For example, if you are trying to persuade your audience to recycle, you could tell a story about how you went on a beach cleanup and were shocked by the amount of plastic pollution you saw.
    2. Using a historical example to support an argument.
    Historical examples can be used to show that a particular point has been proven true in the past. For example, if you are arguing that climate change is real, you could cite the historical record of rising global temperatures.
    3. Using a scientific study to support a claim.
    Scientific studies can provide strong evidence to support your claims. For example, if you are arguing that a particular drug is effective, you could cite a study that shows that the drug has been proven to improve outcomes in patients.
    4. Using a logical argument to persuade your audience.
    Logical arguments use reason and evidence to persuade your audience. For example, if you are trying to convince your audience that a particular policy is necessary, you could provide evidence that the policy has been successful in other jurisdictions.
    5. Using an emotional appeal to connect with your audience.
    Emotional appeals can be used to persuade your audience by evoking their emotions. For example, if you are trying to persuade your audience to donate to a charity, you could share a story about a family that has been helped by the charity.
    1. 引用名人名言。
    2. 讲故事。
    3. 引用历史典故。
    4. 引用科学论据。
    5. 运用论证。