感情文章    The use of personification as a literary device allows writers to evoke emotions and create a deeper connection with their readers. By attributing human qualities to inanimate objects or abstract concepts, authors can make their writing more relatable and impactful. Personification can be employed in various ways, but its overarching purpose is to enhance the emotional resonance of a narrative.
    One example of personification can be seen in the classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. The mockingbird, a symbol of innocence and vulnerability, is repeatedly personified throughout the story. In one scene, Scout Finch describes the mockingbird as "a ghost that didn't want to be disturbed." This personification imbues the bird with a sense of melancholy and fragility, reinforcing its symbolic significance.
    Another example of personification can be found in the poem "Ode to a Nightingale" by Jo
hn Keats. The nightingale is personified as a "light-winged Dryad of the trees," evoking an image of a graceful and ethereal creature. Keats' personification allows him to express his admiration for the nightingale's song, which he describes as "an immortal bird."
    In addition to evoking emotions, personification can also create a sense of wonder and awe. By giving human characteristics to non-human entities, writers can make the unfamiliar seem familiar and the ordinary appear extraordinary. For instance, in the short story "The Last Question" by Isaac Asimov, the universe is personified as a vast and sentient being. This personification allows Asimov to explore the nature of existence and the ultimate fate of the universe in a thought-provoking and emotionally resonating way.
    In conclusion, personification is a powerful literary device that can enhance the emotional resonance of a narrative, create a sense of wonder and awe, and make the unfamiliar seem familiar. By attributing human qualities to inanimate objects or abstract concepts, authors can connect with their readers on a deeper level and leave a lasting impression.
    1.直接拟人,直接将事物说成是人。 如,"春姑娘来了"。
    2.间接拟人,运用比喻、夸张等手法将事物拟人化。 如,"树叶在风中翩翩起舞"。