I have been keeping an observation diary for the past few months, recording my thoughts and observations on a variety of subjects.
One of the things that I have been paying particular attention to is the behavior of my classmates. I have noticed that certain individuals tend to dominate group discussions, while others prefer to stay quiet and listen.
It is interesting to see how different personalities interact with one another, and how group dynamics can influence the overall dynamic of a discussion.
In my observation diary, I also make notes about the weather and how it impacts people's moods. On gloomy, rainy days, I have noticed that people tend to be more subdued and quiet, while on sunny days, there is a noticeable increase in energy and positivity.写观察日记
I find it fascinating how external factors such as weather can have such a significant impact on people's emotions and behaviors.
Another aspect of my observation diary is my reflections on my own emotions and experiences. By writing down my thoughts and feelings, I am able to gain a deeper understanding of myself and my reactions to various situations.
Keeping a daily record of my observations has also helped me to improve my writing skills and hone my ability to articulate my thoughts and ideas effectively.
Overall, my observation diary has become a valuable tool for self-reflection and personal growth. It has allowed me to explore different aspects of the world around me and gain a greater understanding of myself and others.