    I observed a group of small ants in my backyard. They were busy carrying tiny pieces of food and working together to build their nest. It was fascinating to watch their teamwork and determination.
    英文回答,The ants were moving in an organized manner, following a trail and communicating with each other using pheromones. It was amazing to see how they were able to coordinate their movements and work together towards a common goal. I also noticed that some ants were taking care of the larvae while others were foraging for food. It was a clear demonstration of division of labor within the ant colony.
观察蚂蚁的作文    中文回答,观察到小蚂蚁的行为,它们在有条不紊地运动着,沿着一条路径前行,并且利用信息素进行沟通。看到它们如何协调行动,共同努力实现共同目标真是令人惊叹。我还注意到一些蚂蚁在照顾幼虫,而另一些在觅食。这清楚地展示了蚂蚁体内的分工
    The ants were also very efficient in their work. They were able to carry food that was ma
ny times their own body weight. It was impressive to see their strength and determination. I also observed some ants engaging in what appeared to be a form of communication through touching each other with their antennae. This behavior is known as antennation and is a way for ants to exchange information.