  The Mid-Autumn Day
  August 15th in Chinese Lunar Calendar is the Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China.
  On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion . Each family will have the members get together to have a big dinner. The most popular food is moon cakes. They are round and look like the moon.
  The moon is the brightest this night. People eat the delicious food while they are enjoying a beautiful full moon in their yard. At this time, some old people would like to tell many past eve
nts and tell the children a story about the rabbit on the moon . The children really believe that there is a rabbit on the moon. They hope to go to the moon and have a look one day.
  What a great festival!
中秋节翻译  农历八月十五日是中秋节,在中国它是最重要的传统节日之一。
  中秋节晚上的月亮特别地圆。人们都在自家的院子里一边赏月一边吃着可口的月饼。这个时候 ,一些老人会讲述许多古老的故事,如月亮上的玉兔,孩子们信以为真,他们真想有一天登上月球看个究竟。
  Mid-afternoon,my brother,play with neighbors and burning wax,wax pot we went downstairs to play,we brought three packs of colored candles,four tin.
  We will put the candle inside the tin,quickly uses up the two boxes candles,because the box is only 12. Little brother of the mother would come back to buy the seven boxes of candles,we put a coin inside the tin,candles,many candles by burning oil after spill out,so we brought the oil candle designs,those who just burn the oil very hot,I soon handle into the water,into the hand that has stained the water more than wax,there are a lot of oil,to wait for it to dry before playing. We had a really fun ah!
  In the evening,we went to Island Resort performances,play games and riddles and games,I first looked at it shows,then I play games,I took several prizes. Later I went to guess riddles,some riddles very simple,there are some very difficult. Has been taken to the simple,I took a simple not difficult riddles,is to use "extermination" guess a word. I guess for a long time to think about,the answer is "day" is used. I guess a lot of riddles later,so took a lot of prizes,the final prizes to guess only,until all prizes in guessing not take. I am ready to
play other games again,when my father called me and told me to go play football pitch,I play soccer with other children,playing football is fun,other kids can not I win,we played very happy,then my father told me to go,we went walking,with the full moon and eat moon cake. We found a place to sit down,everyone on the side of the moon while eating moon cake,We had a really fun ah!