    Parents' Love for My Younger Brother but Not for Me.
    Parents' love is an essential part of our lives. It is a source of support, care, and affection that helps us grow and develop into responsible individuals. However, sometimes it can be disheartening when we feel that our parents show more love and attention towards our siblings than us. This is a situation that I have experienced personally, and it has left me feeling neglected and unimportant. In this essay, I will explore the reasons behind this phenomenon and discuss the impact it has on me.
    Firstly, one possible reason why parents may show more love towards one child over another is favoritism. It is natural for parents to have preferences, whether conscious or unconscious, towards one child based on various factors such as personality, behavior, or achievements. This favoritism can lead to unequal treatment and make the less-favored child
feel unloved and overlooked. Personally, I have noticed that my parents often praise and appreciate my younger brother's accomplishments more than mine, which makes me feel inadequate and unimportant.
    Another reason for the difference in parental love could be the age gap between siblings. Younger children often require more attention and care, especially during their early years. As the older sibling, I have witnessed my parents dedicating more time and effort towards my brother's needs, leaving me feeling neglected and forgotten. This age-related difference in attention can create a sense of resentment and jealousy in the less-favored child.
    Furthermore, societal expectations and gender stereotypes can also play a role in parental favoritism. In many cultures, there is a bias towards male children, which can result in parents showing more love and attention towards their sons. This can be particularly disheartening for daughters who may feel unloved and undervalued. Personally, I have experienced this gender bias in my family, where my parents prioritize my brother's needs and achievements over mine.
    Despite the challenges and negative emotions that arise from this situation, it is important to remember that parents' love is not finite. Just because they may show more love towards one child does not mean they love the other less. It is crucial to communicate our feelings and concerns with our parents and seek their understanding and support. By expressing our emotions, we can bridge the gap and foster a healthier and more balanced relationship with our parents.
    In conclusion, the feeling of being less loved or neglected by parents is a painful experience that many individuals, including myself, have faced. The reasons behind this phenomenon can range from favoritism to age-related differences and societal expectations. However, it is essential to remember that parents' love is not a limited resource, and by communicating our feelings, we can work towards a more balanced and loving relationship with our parents.