    The Qixi Festival, also known as the Double Seventh Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival that celebrates the love story between the cowherd, Niulang, and the weaver girl, Zhinü. The festival falls on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, which usually occurs in August or September.
    In ancient times, the Qixi Festival was a day for young women to pray for a good husband. They would make offerings to Zhinü, the goddess of weaving, and ask her to grant them a happy marriage. The festival was also a time for young couples to celebrate their love. They would exchange gifts and vows, and spend time together.
    Over the years, the Qixi Festival has evolved and changed. While it is still a day to celebrate love, it has become more commercialized in recent years. Many people now view the festival as an opportunity to buy gifts for their loved ones or go out for a romantic dinner.
    Despite the changes, the Qixi Festival remains a popular holiday in China. It is a day for people to celebrate love and relationships, and to remember the beautiful story of Niulang and Zhinü.
    Here are some of the traditional customs associated with the Qixi Festival:
    Praying to Zhinü: Young women would make offerings to Zhinü and ask her to grant them a good husband.
    Exchanging gifts: Couples would exchange gifts, such as jewelry, clothes, or flowers.
    Spending time together: Couples would spend time together, talking, laughing, and enjoying each other's company.
    Eating sweet treats: People would eat sweet treats, such as mooncakes and dumplings, to symbolize the sweetness of love.
    Watching the stars: People would watch the stars in the night sky, and look for the stars that represent Niulang and Zhinü.
七夕乞巧    祈求织女,年轻女子会向织女献祭品,祈求她赐予好丈夫。