随着科技的推进,经济全球化的迅猛发展,为现代物流提供了新的挑战和巨大的发展空间.在这种背景下, 人们不得不对各种物流活动的规律性进行认真研究, 对其结构作出分析.先进的工商企业更是愈发重视加强物流管理, 通过提升自己的物流服务水平,来赢得更多的客户,提升企业自身的竞争力 也成为当今激烈竞争环境中企业生存,保持领先的必由之路. B 公司是全球汽车部件生产的佼佼者,在中国经历100年的发展, 在当前环境下,减少物流失效,降低物流成本,成为增强供应链稳定性,提高客户服务水平,提高企业竞争力的有效手段.也变成物控部门的首要任务. 
结合B 公司工厂内物流运作的实际情况,确定研究的范围,针对其范围列出工厂内物流运作的各个步骤(以各个操作步骤为FMEA的各功能/工序), 以收货流程为例,出目前条件下各个步骤可能出现的失效模式,及可能对各个步骤造成的失效的各种影响因素.运用科学的FMEA评估体系, 逐项对各个失效进行分析,出最关键的改善点,并制定出相对应的控制计划. 
以B 公司实施物流PFMEA后的实效为根据,验证了本课题的适用性,使研究具有一定的理论水平和实用价值. 
关键词:物流,供应链,PFMEA,控制计划, 点持续改善
In Plant Logistic PFMEA
    Along with the fast development of science and technology, rapid growing globe economy has offered both challenge and space for the development of logistics,people have to study more deeply i
nto the rules behind variety of logistics activities, and set up plans accordingly for continous logistics system upgrading and management improving, so that they get put themselves in a better position for intensified global competition.
The Material Plan/Control function of Company B, which has more than 100 years history in China and has long been a global leader in automobile parts manufacturing and supply, identified the needs to stabilize its supply chain, reduce the failure case in its logistics, so as to improve its the service level to customers, reduce the logistics cost and further sharp company’s competitiveness.
According to company B real situation, the PFMEA team defined the study scope,listed all the fuctions/steps which incurred in the logistics operation. One process of Goods Receiving was taken as an example, all the failure models of it were examined and checked.  Based on RPN, key failure models were identified and action plans were developed respectively. Concept PFMEA was further explained and elaborated based on this real case.
Eventually, the control plans identified by PFMEA team were put into action in the company. In order to ensure the control plan be fully implemented, a method of Point CIP was introduced to track the progress of control plan implementation with target of improving the standardization of company B’s logistics management, reducing the potentiality of logistics failure and lower logistics cost in a end.
Finally, the actual result of company B’s benefit was presented after implementation of PFMEA in Logistics, it is a proof that this approach is practical and effective and the methodology is worthwhile to be promoted into other fields of supply chain which would have high returns of benefits and meanwhile, it is also verified that the study here is high valuable in both theory and practice.
KEY WORDS: Logistics; Supply chain; PFMEA;Action plan;  Point CIP