有人认为做好事应该得到回报 英语作文
    Some People Think Good Deeds Should Be Rewarded
    A lot of people believe that if you do something nice for someone, you should get something back in return. It's like when you help your mom carry the groceries, she might give you a treat. Or if you get good grades, your parents take you out for ice cream. The idea is that good behavior earns you rewards.
    I can understand why grownups think this way. They want to encourage kids to be kind and helpful by giving them incentives. If you know you'll get a prize for being good, you're more likely to do good things, right? It's like basic math - do this, get that. Cause and effect.回报作文
    But I'm not so sure I agree with always expecting a reward for good deeds. Sometimes you should just do the right thing because it's the right thing to do, not because you'll get something out of it.
    Let me give you some examples from my own life as a 4th grader. Last week, my friend Ja
yden dropped all his books and papers in the hallway after getting pushed by a bigger kid. A lot of people just walked by laughing at him. But I stopped to help him pick everything up. I didn't do it so he would give me part of his lunch or let me borrow his soccer ball. I did it because he looked really upset and flustered and he needed assistance. It was just basic human kindness and empathy.
    Another time, I found a little girl crying in the schoolyard because she couldn't find her mom at pickup time. I stayed with her and tried to calm her down until a teacher came over. I missed my bus because of that, but I wasn't expecting any kind of reward. I just wanted to make sure the small child felt safe until an adult could help her. It was simply the right thing to do.
    Or what about the time I gave half my snack to a new kid who forgot to bring his lunch money on the first day? He had been saying he was really hungry, and I knew how lousy that feels. So I shared my chips and cookie with him. Did I think he would have to pay me back later or do me a favor? No way! I just felt badly that he had to go without eating.
    My parents have always taught me to be a good person simply because it's the best way to live. Kindness, generosity, compassion - those shouldn't be things you only practice if there's something in it for you. They should be automatic ways of being. Sure, it feels nice when someone says "thank you" for a good deed. But you shouldn't expect or demand a reward every single time.
    Imagine if every time someone held the door for you, they put out their hand for a tip? Or if your friend helped you study for a test, but then insisted you buy them something pricey afterwards? It would make being good awfully transactional and conditional. You'd stop doing favors for people just to be a decent human, and only help out when you knew you could get something back.
    I think that attitude misses the whole point. Good deeds are about making someone else's life a little better or easier, without any selfishness or personal profit agenda involved. You put another person's needs first, no strings attached. That's the true spirit of kindness and virtue.
    Now, I'm not saying rewards for good behavior are always bad. Sometimes they can motivate people, especially kids, to push themselves harder or go beyond what's expected of them. If you work really hard on a project at school, a treat is a nice way for your teacher to say "Great job, I'm proud of your efforts." Or if you volunteer for a bunch of community service activities, winning a small prize can be the icing on the cake.
    But those should be bonuses and surprises, not just the default expectation. You shouldn't be constantly tallying up your good deeds while thinking "Okay, I've earned 10 rewards through my behavior, now where are they?" Keeping a scorecard like that makes the whole thing seem calculated instead of natural and heartfelt.
    At the end of the day, I think we should all strive to be good humans for the simple reason that it makes the world a kinder, happier, more decent place. If you only ever did favors for others because you wanted something in return, you'd probably end up pretty selfish and greedy. But if your default is just to be generous, caring, and helpful whenever you can, it makes you a much nicer person and a real asset to society.
    So yes, an occasional reward for going above and beyond is okay. But we shouldn't constantly demand to be repaid for every little good deed. Sometimes, you just have to do the right thing because it's the right thing. And hopefully it makes you feel good inside to make someone else's day a little brighter or easier.  If we could all have that mindset more often - to give to others selflessly and generously, without any conditions - just imagine how much better this world could be!