BBC Imagine —— 破釜沉舟:郎朗的故事
BBC Imagine :Do or Die:Lang Lang‘s Story(破釜沉舟:郎朗的故事)
"有些人天生有更好的技巧,,但这并不意味着你能够少花功夫获得更好的结果。我相信一句话:‘ 我们的人生之路是有很多小步子组成的,一步接一步, 你不能跳过那些步子。’ "--郎朗。
From child prodigy to global phenomenon, Alan Yentob reveals the extraordinary life of Lang Lang, China's classical music superstar..
With sell-out concerts around the world and a growing popularity that reaches far beyond traditional classical audiences, Lang Lang has redefined the idea of the celebrity concert pianist. His ability to connect with a younger generation has played a significant role in inspiring over 40 million Chinese children to take up the piano.
In this feature-length documentary, explores the compelling personal story behind the Lang Lang phenomenon.