    Dear Aunt Sarah,
    How are you doing? I hope this letter finds you well. It's been a long time since we last saw each other when you visited us two summers ago. I really miss you and can't wait until we get to see each other again!
    Things have been busy here with school and my usual activities. This year I'm in 6th grade, which means I'm one of the oldest kids at my elementary school now. It's kind of weird being one of the "big kids" after being one of the little ones for so long! My classes are getting harder with more homework, projects, and tests, but I'm trying my best to keep up with everything.
    My favorite subject is still science. We just started a really cool unit on the human body and bodily systems. Last week we got to dissect a frog, which was pretty gross but fascinating at the same time! I loved getting to see all the organs and body parts up close. Our teacher said if we do well on our tests, we might even get to dissect a pig's heart later this year. I can't wait!
    Math is probably my least favorite subject though. I just find all the formulas, equations, and word problems so confusing and tedious. I have a really hard time focusing during those classes. My parents got me a math tutor to help me out, which has made it a bit better, but I still struggle a lot. I just don't understand why we need to learn all those crazy equations and number games. When will I ever actually use that stuff in real life?
    For English/Language Arts, we've been reading a lot of classic novels and writing essays to analyze the main characters, plots, themes, and literary devices. It's a lot of work, but I actually find it really interesting to pick apart stories that way and discuss the deeper meanings. My teacher says I have a natural talent for that kind of critical analysis, which m
akes me proud. Last month we read The Giver, which was my favorite book so far this year. The dystopian world it depicts is so haunting yet thought-provoking.
    In History, we're learning all about Ancient Rome and Greece right now. I have to admit, I used to find history kind of boring when we just had to memorize dates, names, and events. But this year we've been doing a lot more hands-on activities, projects, and reenactments which has made it way more fun and engaging. Just last week our class held a "Greek Olympics" during P.E. where we competed in events like discus throwing, long jump, and wrestling (well, more like the kid-friendly version anyway). My event was the footraces and I actually won a laurel wreath crown!
    Outside of school, I'm keeping plenty busy too. I'm still playing soccer, which is my biggest passion and favorite sport. Our team had a great season this fall, making it all the way to the league championship game before losing in a heartbreaker to our biggest rivals. I was pretty crushed about that for a while, but I'm already looking forward to next season and winning it all!
    I'm also part of the school band, where I play the trumpet. We have concerts every few months and just had our winter performance last week. It's a lot of hard work practicing constantly, but I love the feeling of playing music alongside all my friends. Sometimes we get to go on fun field trips too, like to the symphony or to perform at nursing homes.
    In my free time, I still love reading, drawing/sketching, and hanging out with my best friends Emma and Jack. We'll often have sleepovers on the weekends, go to the movies, or just goof around riding bikes and causing harmless mischief. I'm so grateful to have such fun, caring friends who always have my back and make me laugh nonstop.
    My family is doing well too. My little brother Timmy is 8 years old now and crazier than ever! He can be really annoying and we fight constantly, but I still love him deep down. He's obsessed with video games and Lego building lately. Just the other day, he spent over 6 hours working on this massive Lego city before mom made him take a break. The level of focus and patience he has for those kinds of solo activities simply amazes me.
    My parents are the same old mom and dad - working hard, taking care of us, lecturing us
about chores and responsibilities. But they still make time for lots of fun family activities and adventures. A few weeks ago, we all went camping for the weekend at the beach. We went hiking, built sandcastles, roasted s'mores, and stayed up late
    Dear Aunt Jackie,
    How are you doing? I hope you and Uncle Frank are well in Australia. It's been such a long time since we last saw each other! The last time was probably 4 years ago when you came to visit us for Christmas. I was only 8 years old back then, and so much has changed since.
    I'm writing to you because I really miss you both and I want to update you on what's been happening in my life lately. Mom always says I should practice my English writing, so I thought sending you a letter would be perfect practice. Plus, I get to catch up with my favorite aunt at the same time!