City life
Why do many people rush into city to enjoy urban life style? According to official statistics: the population of city citizen was about 10% in 1949, while this number changed to 50% in 2011 and an estimation will see 75% in 2040 said some experts.     
First, city life in the teenagers’ eye is about an easy access to a concert and able to watch their favorite superstars毒胶囊. This is so cool for me. Further more, big city offers us
the museumscience expo and playground, we can have fun in there. While as for adults, they can get good job, have a convenient shopping environment, and advanced medical service,
然而,在我看来,城市生活相当危险,我将危险分为三类:食品,财产和生命构成的危险. 地沟油被回收再次使用在一些餐馆,在很多药物中发现毒胶囊,甚至连婴儿喝的奶粉都有毒。恶心!第二,有些人总是通过偷和抢来获得钱财,所以我们担心于我们的钱财安全。最后,最重要的就是我们的生命安全,容易发生交通事故,有人也许会你,甚至杀了你。
However, city life can be quite dangerous in my opinion. I classified the danger into three categories:, the danger of food、property and life . First,we all know that the food problem has become a hot social. The hogwash oil has been recycled to use again in some restaurants, the toxic capsule is found in many medicines. Even the milk powder for baby is poisoned. Yuck Second, there are always some people would steal and rob to get money. So we worry about the security of our property. Finally, the most important one is our life safety. The traffic may kill us under the wheels and someone may someone may kidnap you, or even kill you.
As you have learned what I said above, you may feel the same way as I do, on the one hand, there is an expectation of beautiful life in city, on the other hand the scare of dangers may also linger in the mind. What a dilemma! But I do believe if each one tries his/her best. To work hard and never give up. If everyone could as polite as gentleman like what I had seen in Shanghai Expo years ago, city life can be colorful as well as beautiful and safe.