M. Guide Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to die instructions grven below in Cliinese.假如你是明启中学的高三学生李华,看到电视台有报道说一些超市有大量临近保质期的食物, 针对这些食
2.提出这些建议的理由(信的开头和结尾已给)To whom it may concern
Having watched your recent report about a huge stock of food approachmg expiry date. Id like to offer some suggestions to help.
The Chmese New Year is round the comer Meanwhile, there are housing and railway constniction sites r
unning round the clock, where hundreds of migrant workers sacrifice tlieir precious family reunion to meet the deadline. I suggest launclmig a New Year Purchasmg Program for these builders of Shanghai. Allowing them a special discount on the food in these supermarkets.
Shanghai couldn't have been such a coimnercial hub and financial center but for the sweat tliese nugrant workers shed. Thus. they deserve some favorable treatment for their prime years devoted to the city. Meanwliile. milk, bread, cofiee and snacks are consimied by many, but are considered dear by those who save every penny for their faraway families. This program serves as a token of our locals* gratitude, respects their needs and maintains the dignity of them, for tliey can decide die amount and sort of food to buy by themselves. Last but not least, it serves the need of supermarket managers as well. By no means can they find a more meaningful and afiordable way to address this problem.
I sincerely hope my advice can help both the supermarkets and the people in need. Thank you for taking it into account.
M. Guide Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to die mstnictions given below m Cliinese.假如你是李敏,在一本英文旅游杂志上,你发现了这样一条信息:某古城景区对当地人收费5美元,对外国人收费15美元,针对这一情况,请你以李敏的口吻给该杂志编辑写一封信,具体要求如下:L介绍一下你在杂志上看到的内容:
Dear Editor.
As an honest reader of your travel niagazmejd express my opimon tliat die ticket prices of die ancient city for domestic tourists at 5 dollars while 15 dollars for overseas guests】strongly advocate the equal fare and my reasons are as follows.
Firstlyjt can attract more tourists and dommate the opeiiing-np domestic traveling niarket.More and more overseas tourists are willing to visit the ancient city,which brings more consumption and jobs.In turn.the ancient city can be protected well.Another,more and more researchers will have more money deeply-exploring the history of the ancient city and display the old days with new technology.Therefbre.we can appreciate the past beautifiil scenery of die ancient city.
Based on what I state above.the fair price will benefit more tourists and tounsms.Not only it attracts more tourists but also displays its beautiful scenery.What matters most is that it has a comprehensive mfluence on our present days and constructs new relationship between humans and the environment of ancient city.
I will higlily appreciate it if you can leply to me as soon as possible?
Your faithfiilly,
Li Mm 【2019年1月上海高考作文】
M. Writing
Diiections: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to die instructions gn^en below m Clunese.假如你是明启中学的李华,你的朋友李楠给你写了一封信,告诉你他要开发一个新的APP, 用这个软件共享衣服,想要征集大家的看法,你是否愿意共享你的衣服,给出理由(信的格式已给)。
Dear Li Nan,
Hearing that you plan to develop a new app of students sharing clothesj feel tnily proud of your novel idea. Personally speaking,! am willmg to share my clotlies on your app.Tlie reasons are as follows.
To begm witli.it will be wonderful for me if I learn that someone that I barely know of can share my happiness of weanng my clothes.lt feels like you are emotionally coimectmg someone in your clotlies.Then I may namrally wish to know more about that particular "someone'' and probably further deepen our relationship.In the end.a good friendslup between me and my clothes mate miglit be built based on our common clotlies.What's morejf other students can try my clothes through the app.In tiini.I also can try their new clothes.Tlierefbre.smdents can wear different types of clothes without actually spending any money.
What's more important is that sharing my clothes will take fiill use of them.Iii today's material society.there are so many parents who prepare lots of clothes for their beloved children for different occasions.such as a dress for the party、gym suit for mdoor sports.NIoreover.the clothes can only realize tlieir true value after they are put on a person s body.
To summarize、shanng my clothes on your app benefits others and me.
Li Hua 【2018年6月上海高考作文】
M.Guided Writing
Diiections: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to die instructions grven below in Chinese.假设你是明启中学的高三学生卢平。学校《英语报》向高三学生进行征文,题目为my teachers。卢平也想投稿。具体要求是:
My Teachers
Oil the path of pursumg kiio^dedge.numerous teachers we have encountered may have a lifelong impact on us.and even contnbute to shaping who we are.Lookmg back on my school life,my teachers can be generally classified into three types: dedic ated. approachable .and irresponsible.
Dedicated teachers are most popular among students not only because of their outstanding professional knowledge but also because of their devotion to the career of teacliing.Ybu can expect more than class time of them.They may have a face-to-face communication with you after class to enlighten you with a tncky math problem.Tliey may sacrifice their family time to keep you company so that you can smooth your emotional problem caused by your own faniily.Needless to saymost teachers fall into this category
The second type of teacher may seem less qualified in terms of tlieir teaching $kills,but they can also easily win students' hearts because they can be entrusted with our deepest secrets.Childliood and adolescence are awkward periods when we struggle to explore our own way m the world. Our peers may be just as mexperienced as us wliile our parents seemingly live on another planet. So a friendly adult like approachable teachers can be a life saver
Ns tend to be carefill when labeling a teacher irresponsible,but they do exist. Some of them may have temper issue.wlule others may disregard their own job.One of my teachers fit the case,who was directly linked to my poor academic performance during his stint.
ne\*er will I Iii the ftmire,as my leammg continuesj will have opportunities to meet more teachers.Whereas
forget the assistance from my previous teachers or their passion for knowledge.
VI. Guided Wriring
Diiections: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to die instructions grven below in Cliinese.假如你是明启中学的学生王磊,你校计划引进一个机器人担任餐厅服务员或者图书馆管理员, 并在英
Dear headmaster.
So appealing is your plan to mtroduce a robot to our school that I decide to respond to your askmg for proposals.From my perspective.a robot is more suitable for the position of librarian.
With regard to the range of services librarian needs not only to classify different kmds of books,put and find them in the right order on the right shelf but also keep a record of what books are borrowed and renmiedjvhile being a waiter in a restaurant involves semng the right dishes to tlie right tabled。some cleaning and conmiunicatmg with the diners.A robot can accomplish tliree or four librarians' work of sorting and labeling books at the same time,whereas it is pale before a man in conununicatuig and tac
kling the unexpected (unpredictable) occasions.
In terms of working efficiency? robot may be more efficient in doing the prograniiiiedjiiechanical and repetitive kind of work.Tlierefbrejt is more advisable for the robot to imdertake the duties of a libranan groupmg countless books repeatedly,dius considerably improving the efficiency of a human librarian.Howe^-er.when it comes to die work of a waiter、who needn't work so heavily and fast as a librarian but do need react flexibly to the diners9 requirements^ robot won't make a remarkable difierence and even may not be more qualified tliaii a man.
In a nutshellit is the mechanical work of a librarian that the robot is more competent at.Hope that my advice will be of great help to your decision.
Wang Lei 【2017年6月上海高考作文】
M. Guided Writing:
Directions: Wiite an English composition in 120—150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
News came that our school will organize a shot walking tour to explore Shanghai on 1st May in the aftemoon. The route starts from People s Square, via East Naiymg Road, and ends at the Bund. and then return the same way. This is a great activity, while there may be some room for improvement.
First, 1st May is not the best time. It is a vacation when many people will come to visit the city. Crowded and noisy, push and squeeze, all of that will prevent the tour from being a great memory Sec
ond, the route does not cover some most glamorous parts of the city. True as it is that tlie Bund best symbolizes the city s inclusn eness of eastern and western culture. Liyiaziii, one of the economic and financial centers in the world, should definitely on the route.
To conclude, it would be much better, if the plan could avoid the vacation and upgrade the route.
VI. Guided Writing
Diiections: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to die mstnictions given below in Clunese.假设你是明启中学的学生王磊,你的好友李宏今年暑期将赴英国参加为期两个月的海外交流活动。如果选择主办方安排的住宿,他需要额外支付较高的费用。但他也可以通过为当地社区养老院提供每月三十小时的义工服务,获得在养老院免费住宿的机会。李宏通过邮件向你征求意见。你要写一封回信,内容包括:
Possible version 1
I'm glad to hear that you have access to participatmg in an overseas communication activity in Bntam which will last two montlis.I suggest that you should choose working as a volunteer thirty hours every month for the local community agiiig,hospital to gain a cliance to stay in it for free.My reasons are as follows.
Not only can you eiiliance your social expenences,but also you can reduce your costs.Contrary r to the
you can save a lot of money.Undoubtedly.the cost must have been high if you acconunodation arranged by the host
choose it.Staying m the aging hospitaLthe contrast couldn,t be greater. On die ly by working as a volunteer can you gain a free stay.It sounds great!Yom- arrival will add colors to the atmosphere there.On the other haiid.durmg our spare timejve will also spend time helping others in tliat our society teaches us to be a wann-heated person.Your arrn al will also reduce the burdens there.As an old saying goes, ' We can gam both tilings at the same time/ So why not choose it?
I hope that you will take my advice.Best wishes that you will have a good tmie there.lt is a golden chance that you will gam in summer vocation.Iii short,enjoy yourself.
Possible version 2
It is said that you will go abroad to England for a two-month overseas conmmnication activity m this summer vocation ! hear that you are hesitating whether to spend higher price choosuig arranged dormitory or to spend 30 hours every month serving the old to get a free living.
In my opmionj think you should choose the first one.If you choose the second option,yon will use too much time to do service instead of studying the local culture .Although communication with the old can get a lot of lively experience and avoid may mistakes in life,your most important responsibility is to learn how overseas students study and what they will leani. Arranged room can save you tmie and have more chances to live with peers who may have the same interest with you.By this,you can make a lot of young friends and if you are in trouble m fxmire.they may give you some suggestions and a helpmg hand.
I wish that you would take my advice and I'm waiting to hear from you.