Dictation 1    The Greenhouse Effect 温室效应 (146 words)
      To get a better understanding of global warming, / it is important to understand the greenhouse effect. / The greenhouse effect is the rise in the temperatures / caused by absorption of the Sun’s heat and light by the Earth’s surface / which then is reflected back and trapped within the Earth’s atmosphere. / The greenhouses gases, help to keep the Earth warm, / and this is the reason why life on Earth has existed, and still thrives. / However,  with  an  increase  in  the  gases  like carbon  dioxide, ozone, / and water vapor  in  the  atmosphere, / as  an  outcome to growing environmental  pollution; / industrial,  domestic,  and  loss  of  vast  stretches  of  grassland  and  rain forest, / Earth has gotten nearly 14% hotter / than what it used to be 50 years ago, / with 2005 being  recorded as the hottest  year ever. / Besides humans and plants, global warming effect on animals is a cause of concern. /
Dictation 2    Christmas Candles 圣诞蜡烛 (146 words)
      Frankly speaking, Christmas candles are no different / from any other decorative candle / that you might find in the shops all through the year. / But the very fact that they are lit up duri
ng time in a bottle
Christmastime gives them the look of a festival. / Christmas candles are big in size and designed in several shapes. / You will find the common round shapes / — Christmas candles tend to play up on the thickness so that they can burn longer, / all through the Christmas Eve if desired. / Traditional colors of Christmas candles are preferably red or golden, the colors of the season.
/ But you will find all colors on the shelves nowadays. / However, if other colors are used, / they are often decorated with obvious Christmas designs / to make them part of the season. / Red and
golden  candles  are  usually  kept  as  they  are,  /  because  the  colors  themselves  lend  grace  to  the season. /
Dictation 3    Unions 工会 (147 words)
      Nearly 100 years ago, America’s working people began to join together / to improve thei
r wages and their working situations. / The formed unions in discussions with  owners  of businesses and factories. / This idea became known as collective bargaining. / Unions were started at separate local factories. / Slowly unions in several factories started to join together. / As they gained size, the unions were able to gain strength and effectiveness. / By the 1950’s unions were successfully representing their members in most American industries.  / Unions    began    as organizations for factory workers.  / Later skilled workers such as electricians and plumbers organized into unions.  /  Recently  professional  people  have  also  begun  to  form  unions.  / The unions not only represent the workers in discussions with business management. / They also train workers for jobs, give members money if they lose their jobs, / and pay workers pensions when they retire. / Unions have become established institutions of American industry.
Dictation 4    Weather Language        天气成语 (142 words)
      British people are famous for always talking about the weather, / but the weather also affects the way we speak and the phrases we use. /As more winter weather batters the UK, /
I will demonstrate how the British obsession with weather has influenced our language. / The return of snowstorms to the UK proves / that when it comes to bad weather it never rains but it pours. / The  police have warned that unnecessary road travel is not recommended / but  some motorists have thrown caution to the wind / and made their journeys anyway, / claiming that it’s all a storm in teacup. / Those  whose  cars  are  stuck  in  the  snow  /  may  consider  themselves  to  be  twisting  in  the wind./ There are problems too for local councils / who are running out of sand and grit for the roads, / having not saved enough supplies for a rainy day. /
Dictation 5    Green Living      绿生活 (146 words)
      We all know that humans are damaging the environment, / but what can we do about it?  /
Some people are trying to do their bit / to try to be more environmentally friendly. /Can we help the environment by being green? / Local councils in Britain encourage certain aspects of green living, / such as recycling paper, tin, plastic and glass.  /  They  want  to  reduce  th
e  amount  of  rubbish  going  into  landfill  sites,  / because they are running out of places to dump rubbish. / In some areas rubbish for recycling is collected from your doorstep, but in other areas, / you have to take it to a special recycling place, such as a bottle bank. / Another  way  of  reducing  the  amount  of  rubbish  you  create  /  is  to  use  reusable  products instead of disposable ones. / For example, some people use strong shopping bags or boxes for their groceries / instead of plastic carrier bags. /