Many people work at home using modern technology today. Some people think only the workers benefit from this, not the employers. To what extent do you agree or disagree
The spread of telecommunication technology – using the Internet, telephone, fax, scanners or text messaging—has opened up a new range of possibilities for working at home. Discussion has centred on whether it represents a benefit to workers alone, but not employers. In my opinion, employers can take full advantage of home working as well.
By allowing employees to work at home, employers can widen the base from which they recruit and boost the chances of capitalising(利用) on rich human capital(人力资本). For instance, parents with childcare responsibilities and those with disabilities prefer to work at home. Distance between their work place and their place of residence has never ceased to be a problem. Homeworking enables working people to perform their jobs at ease, and thus gives employers more options in human resource use.
Another benefit obtained from home-working is the boost for staff motivation(积极性). By working at home, employees can manage their time on their own and strike a balance
between work and rest. Similarly important is that, without the presence of their immediate supervisors顶级上司, they feel less stressful and more comfortable. Those two factors both play a part in boosting their productivity and job satisfaction.
Apart from those benefits, homeworking might have its drawbacks. A challenge that employers have to face is the difficulty in managing and monitoring employees’ performance. Whether employees are as likely to meet a deadline when working at home as they are in the workplace remains unclear. Similar difficulty is to maintain team spirit because employees have limited interaction between each other. Furthermore, staff training, an integral part of increasing human capital, is not practical(不能落实,不实际 in a business where homeworking predominates.
Therefore, it is clear that although employers can benefit a lot from integrating homeworking into his or her business, e.g., introducing more flexibility and increasing employees’ job satisfaction, they should work out methods to prevent the problems that are likely to arise from this move(举动).
Capitalise on = take full advantage of =make the most of = benefit from 得益于
At ease= comfortably = free from anxiety 轻松地
Team spirit = cohesion = unity 作文话题团队精神 凝聚力
Interaction = communication =contact