(一)制定严格的预算 execute strict budgeting
1. 设立预算编制工作小组establish budgeting working groups,精确核算预算总量account the budget accurately
2. 强化预算执行监控 strengthen budget execution and monitoring,严格控制预算执行域executing the budget domain strictly,禁止超出预算范围banning exceeding the budgetary scope
3. 公开透明预算公告open and transparent budget announcement,严格监督预算公布strictly supervise budget release
(二)严控公务接待和差旅管理 control official receptions and travel management
1. 公务接待原则principles of official receptions,坚决杜绝铺张浪费eliminate extravagance
and waste,优化接待活动设计optimize reception activity design
2. 限制差旅范围和天数restrict the scope and days of travel,严禁公务差旅携带家人forbid bringing family members on official travel,提高审批标准raise approval criteria
3. 审查差旅报销review travel reimbursement,严格控制费用strictly control the costs,确保财务支出合理ensure financial expenditures are reasonable
(三)改革会议和培训制度 reform the conference and training system
1. 压缩会议规模 reduce conference scale,会前筛选会议需求pre-screen meeting needs,精简会议流程streamline meeting procedures
厉行勤俭节约2. 提高会议质量 improve the quality of meetings,严禁大肆鼓吹、夸大会议效果strictly prohibit excessive publicity or exaggeration of conference results
3. 优化培训方式 optimize training methods,提高培训效果 improve training effectiveness,减少人员培训成本reduce personnel training costs
(一)加强机关设施和设备管理 strengthen management of office facilities and equipment
1. 优化设施布局 optimize facility layout,合理配置办公设施和设备 appropriately allocate office facilities and equipment
2. 延长使用寿命延长使用寿命,降低设备更新频率extend the service life of equipment,reduce the frequency of equipment updates
3. 实行节能环保措施 implement energy-saving and environmental protection measures
(二)加强采购和合同管理 strengthen procurement and contract management