【 导语】在暑假中,总会有那么一两件事会引起你的注意。以下是为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。
On the last day of summer vacation, I had a great time! Because my brother and I went to my uncle's house. We had a good time with our cousin. In the afternoon, we also did a very interesting thing.
In the afternoon, I played a game of chess with my cousin. I lost. My cousin was very happy. In this cheering, my aunt said, "let's go to the sunny garden to feed the fish!" "Good!" My cousin jumped up happily, and my brother was also very happy. Our pockets were full of small steamed buns, all armed for departure. With the order of our aunt, we set out.
When I reached the pond, I looked down and saw that the water was calm and muddy. Sometimes a few dragonflies will stand on the dried reed. There is no fish in the water at all. My cousin took out a small steamed bun, crushed it and sprinkled it on the water. After a whil
e, a spectacular scene appeared: many colorful little goldfish swarmed up from the bottom of the water and grabbed the cake residue. I was stunned, and I quickly sprinkled cake dregs.
More and more fish, look! How beautiful that black and white goldfish is! It is very alert and agile. It just finished eating a little food on the water and disappeared into the water. Ah, that little yellow and white goldfish is so lively and cute. It swims leisurely on the water and eats a few mouthfuls of food on the water from time to time. That, that! That little goldfish is golden, dazzling and charming. It is like a goldfish princess. The circle of white on its head is its crown. It's so beautiful!
Time is flying. The sun has set. It's time for the little goldfish to go home, and we should also go home.
This is a really happy day!
This summer vacation, I came to a strange place - Malaysia.
The first stop of the trip to Malaysia is Langkawi. In Langkawi, I visited the mangrove forest. In the mangrove forest, I advanced to the bat cave. In the bat cave, I shone a flashlight on the wall and saw bats hanging upside down in black coats on the rock wall without moving. It turned out that the day was the time for bats to sleep. When I came out of the bat cave, I also met a naughty little monkey. It grabbed the potato chips in the hand of a child beside me at a fast speed, crossed the fence, hid behind a stone and tasted the spoils proudly. Taking a fast-moving cruise ship, I shuttle through the dense red forest. From time to time, there are eagles, the symbol of Langkawi, flying over the water. The surrounding scenery is refreshing.
Farewell to Langkawi, I came to Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur has many beautiful buildings. The golden roof and white walls of the national mosque are like castles in fairy tales. What impresses me most is the landmark of Kuala Lumpur - the twin towers. Two identical towers are connected by corridors in the middle. It's really amazing. The twin towe
rs in the night are more beautiful. I stood in the room and saw that the twin towers opposite me looked so majestic and magnificent in the night.
Malaysia, I haven't played enough.
Summer vacation! We are very happy that we can finally put aside everything and enjoy this holiday freely. But something unexpected happened - my sister had chickenpox!
暑假英语作文On that day, when taking a bath in the evening, my mother found that my sister had many red spots and blisters, so she came to her own conclusion: "my sister has hand, foot and mouth disease! Go to the hospital quickly!" As soon as my aunt heard it, she also came for consultation. The two people jointly diagnosed that my sister had chickenpox. So I came to the hospital. The doctor diagnosed chickenpox and only prepared some medicine and ointment. Then he hurried home and put the ointment on the chickenpox. We just had a false alarm. We all thought it was all right now.
However, the next morning, all of us were surprised. My sister not only had a high fever, but also had more chickenpox. Like the stars in the sky, her face was full of chickenpox, and her limbs, trunk, even scalp and mouth were full of chickenpox, which was a mess. Some of her chickenpox are bright, some are crowded together in groups, and some are a red dot, dense. Seeing this, we hurried to the hospital and came to the dermatology department. The doctor said that we had to hang salt water and refill the medicine.
Looking at her miserable appearance, I think her sister is really miserable! She couldn't help catching it every time, but everyone warned her repeatedly: "don't catch it, otherwise it will become more and more serious!"
Under the effect of the ointment and the careful care of my aunt, a few days later, my sister's chickenpox was cured, and I could enjoy the cool wind of nature and the cool water world.
Time flies. In a blink of an eye, my beautiful and happy summer vacation is over. However, what happened in the summer vacation will become the best memory in my childhood footprints.
There are thousands of things that happened in the summer vacation, and there are countless. But there is one thing I will never forget. I remember that night, I was going to take a walk with my mother. However, when I came downstairs, I saw many children gathered around the door of Ping'an Tang drugstore. I walked forward curiously and asked, only to know: as long as I bought the handicrafts here, I can come here every night to smear. I thought it was very interesting, so I asked my mother to buy one for me. Mom agreed without thinking about it. I'm very happy. I began to choose. There are many handicrafts here: cartoon characters, small animals, All kinds, dazzling. I was dazzled to see them, and I wanted to keep them all for myself. Finally, I chose a picture frame, I want to make a picture frame by myself and put my 'photos in it.