八年级Unit 5 Section A 3a Full Moon, Full Feelings(月满,
Step 1: 导入
1. 教师从“How are you today?”开始发问,并自然过渡到:
I am happy as well. That's to say, I have full feelings!同时,幻灯片上呈现出一个圆形的图案。为接下来的导入部分做好铺垫。初中英语教学设计
2. 教师告知学生这个圆形使自己想到了蛋糕,并提问学生:What can you think of when you see the circle? 教师肯定学生的回答,并利用学生答语中已经提到月亮的契机说道:While these things come and go, only the moon stays in the sky forever giving us full feelings.并在幻灯片上呈现圆月的图景,将话题聚焦到了中秋节:
T: What moon is it ?            Ss: Full moon.
T: Well, when we enjoy the full moon, we can have full feelings. And when we see the full moon, what festival can we think of?
Ss: The Mid-Autumn Festival.
3. 通过图片来教学新单词。教师提问:What do people do to celebrate it? 用幻灯片呈现四个不同节日的庆祝活动场景,让学生出中秋节的庆祝活动场景,学生选择场景c。引用图片c来学习新单词,如:admire  mooncake  dessert  lay out 等。
4. 教师提问: what do mooncakes look like? 引导学生到月饼和圆月之间在形状上的联系。然后,教师引导学生从场景c中到更多圆形,教师提问:Can you find other round things in the picture? 自然地承接话题:Great! Families sit around the table, enjoying delicious mooncakes! They just make a different full circle! 之后教师带领学生进入文本。教师对学生说:there is a touching story behind the festival. Come on, guys! Let's enjoy it!
Step 2: 阅读理解
1. 快速阅读培养学生的寻读能力,使学生有针对、有目的地出文章的特定信息。
2. 细读
Read Para. 2 again, circle the main characters and answer:“What happened to these four people?”来完成思维导图。之后根据思维导图复述整个故事内容。思维导图有利于学生更好的理解和记忆。
Step 3:拓展提高
I don't think the story has finished. Can you continue to write the story and make it full? 多年后的今天,给嫦娥奔月的故事编写一个与众不同的结尾。
Step 4:情感教育
We have good wishes for each other, so we mostly come to good ends. But sometimes, we have to face leaving. But we can always believe that our hearts are together. I want to say, though far apart, we can still admire the beauty of the moon
under the same sky. And our hearts are full forever.同时,教师在幻灯片上呈现一组生活中关于家人、爱人、友人、陌生人等的图片。
以沙画视频《水调歌头》导入。这一环节落实回生活中最真实、最朴实的full feelings的深层含义,让学生学会更多地关注身边人、身边事,保留一份对于真、善、美的追求和向往。
Step 5: Homework 作业
1. Write your feelings about the Mid-Autumn Festival
2. Do something for your parents with your full feelings! Maybe you can read an English poem to your parents with your full feelings ...第二项家庭作业是读后活动的衍生,从说迁移到做,真正让学生落实到关注身边人、身边事,在真实生活中理解full feelings的含义。